While news channels are abuzz with the cross-border strike conducted by India, tensions between our neighbor and us are at an all-time high. The recent attack by the Indian paratroopers...
At 32 hijackings, the 747 is the most hijacked wide body aircraft of all times. With 3,718 fatalities since its introduction in 1970, the queen has claimed an average of...
At 3.43 meters the Fan diameter of the engine is almost equal to the max. Cabin width of a Boeing 737. For their unique shape, the fan blades of GE90-115B...
China is the second largest economy in the world and has been the fastest growing major economy for about a decade now. With a GDP of 11 trillion dollars, it...
The MiG-21s (NATO reporting name: - Fishbed), introduced with the Russian (Soviet) Air Force in 1959, have gone and served approximately 60 countries spread over 4 continents and still serve...
1) 737′s are not equipped with fuel dump system. In case of an emergency it either circles to burn fuel or lands overweight. 2) 737′s have an option to install...